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Happy holidays from Leather Supreme!

Happy holidays from Leather Supreme

Wow, it’s almost Christmas! Time sure flies when your really busy, and boy have I been busy. It’s almost the end of the year and once again I have not adding all the new items I want to add in here.

Well, I want to wish everyone who reads my site, and of course everyone who has bought my items a wonderful holiday season. I suppose to be politically correct I should not say Merry Christmas.

But since it’s my own damn site I will, so Merry Christmas!! 😀 Also happy holidays and a happy new year which will be upon us in just a few days. I hope you all get what you want and spend the holidays with family and friends.

I will have a quiet Christmas myself, as all my family lives up north and I’m down here in Orlando Florida. But I can live with that. 😉 I will see some friends Christmas day, swap some gifts and relax.

Very soon after the new year I will come out with a men’s leather racer and scooter jackets section. I have been adding them in the back-end and will make them live real soon. I then will add some men’s textile jackets.

Then I will add the same for women. After that I’ll add some mens leather vest and leather chaps. I sure do have a lot to add, don’t I! But I will keep working on it and get them in.

The end of the year is always a good time to look back on the past year and see what you did right or wrong. For the most part I’m happy with how I’ve progressed with my sites.

I run around 3 dozen websites if you want to know, plus this one. Which is why I’m always behind. I need to outsource some of my work and work smarter instead of harder.

Anyways from Leather Supreme, happy holidays! Please be careful and don’t drive drunk. Avoid those petty family arguments and don’t eat the fruitcake. 🙂

4 thoughts on “Happy holidays from Leather Supreme!

  1. Hi
    I am very interested in the woman’s brown suede leather Indian style vest LV450.
    Do you have a shop in Daytona that I can go to or is this just a website?
    Please reply

    1. Hello Kim, I only have an online store, I’m sorry. Thanks,


  2. I don’t have a Pay Pal account. If I were to purchase an item, how would I go about that?

    1. Hello Kim. You don’t need a PaYPal account. Once you check out your given the option to pay by PayPal or with a credit/debit card. Thanks,


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