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Daytona Beach Bike Week 2022!!!


Hey Everyone the 81st Annual Daytona Beach Bike Week is coming up! I wanted to give you all a little inside to what is in store for you whether you are local or not! This event always has amazing large enthusiastic crowds except for the last couple years due to Covid 19. Hopefully we will have a better turn out this year! Continue reading Daytona Beach Bike Week 2022!!!

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Daytona Beach Bike Week 2014 Picture Gallery!

Bike week 2014

Howdy everyone, long time since I’ve made a post on here. I just got back from this years Daytona Beach Bike Week 2014 event and decided to make a picture gallery of it. Most of these pictures are of the custom bikes over at the speedway.

They are doing major work on the stadium over there so they had things different than in the past. Still it was not too bad, lots of stuff to see. I did get down to main street and have some pics of that in here too.
Continue reading Daytona Beach Bike Week 2014 Picture Gallery!

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I will be at Daytona beach bike week tomorrow, 9th

Bike week 2011

Hey everyone, I just wanted to make a quick post to let you know I will be at the Daytona beach bike week tomorrow the 9th! I will be at main street of course taking pictures.

I also will take in the motorcycle show at the Ocean Center. Plus I’ll stop by the booths at the speedway. They always have some great custom bikes over there.

I suppose I should go to some of the bars and take pics of the babes in wet t-shirt contest, just to fit in of course! So if go to bike week on the 9th tomorrow you might see me there! 🙂

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Daytona Beach Bike Week 2011, bikes, pictures and events!

Once again it’s time for the Daytona Beach Bike Week 2011! I’ve gone there each year for the past few years and I will be there again this year. This time I hope to take much more bike week pictures and videos. 😉

The video above is the one I took of last years Bike Week 2010. It’s not much but it gives you a little idea of what it’s about. Since I live in Orlando I’m only 40 minutes away. I had another one of the wet T shirt contest at Dirty Harry’s but Youtube took it down, pantie wipes!

To see my Bike Week pictures and picture gallery go here for the Bike Week pictures. Go here for a peek at cool custom bikes pictures. This year Bike Week is March 4th to the 13th, 2011.
Continue reading Daytona Beach Bike Week 2011, bikes, pictures and events!

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Awesome cycles youtube video from bike week 2010

I know I know, not MORE bike week stuff! Yes, but this is the last one for a while. I’ve posted a video of bikers from bike week. I’ve posted pictures of custom bikes from bike week.

This last and final bike week video is more of the custom bikes. I got a few other ones that are not in my picture gallery. Plus it’s nice to see the bikes all around as I walk around them.

So check out this video from bike week 2010. I’m sure you’ll like the bikes and trikes you see in here. My next post will be something about leather, I promise!

In fact my good friend Ashley is posing for some new leather items this weekend for me. Going to make a new youtube channel for just leather videos. I’ll let you know once I make a few. 😉

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Custom bike picture gallery from bike week 2010

custom bike gallery

Once again I have some more pictures from bike week 2010. This time I made a new picture gallery of some really hot looking custom bikes. They were on display at the Daytona speedway in Daytona beach.

custom bike gallery

I was going to make a slide show of them. But you can’t do these pictures justice by compressing them. The pictures are very good and high format so I wanted to use them as big as I could.

Just click each thumbnail image to see the full size picture. Then hit your back button to go back to the gallery. There are links to the places that make the bikes if your interested in buying any. They are fantastic, take a look and see!

Click here for the custom bike picture gallery

custom bike gallery