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Adding more leather apparel, changing looks

Ladies Denim look leather pants

With bike week going on it makes me think about how I never seem to get around to adding more leather items in here. I can carry lots more than I do now. I just never seem to have the time! But I guess I better find the time if I want to sell anything huh?

So very soon I’m going to start adding more leather apparel, like the items you see in these pictures. Plus I’m going to change the look of this site. I have been told it does not look like a store but a blog about leather, which is true.

Ladies poncho

I’m going to add pictures to the top of this page as links to the leather items for sale, along with sales, tips and so on. The blog part will still be here, just a bit lower and only 5 or so blog post per page.

Another thing I’m excited about is that I have a sexy looking friend of mine who will be modeling the ladies leather. I’m going to make videos of her wearing the items so you can see better how it fits.

I will post these videos on youtube to get more traffic here. But I also will put them in here on the item page. That way you can watch a video of how the item looks on a girl before you buy, neat huh?

So look for new items here, a lot more new items. In,,,,, a few weeks or so, give or take a week. I’m working on it! Tomorrow I’m off to bike week to take some cool videos of the bikes and babes. 😉

Ladies pink leather halter

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What countries do we get leather hides from?

where do leather hides come from?

Time for another post from Uncle Bill here! Just in case you were wondering, I have not been getting much of that storm from hurricane Fay here in Orlando. It really flooded parts of the coast and all, but Orlando is in the middle of the state. So we have a steady rain, but no real storm or flooding here.

So on with the post of today, which is, just where does all our leather come from? I don’t mean what animal, I mean who produces it, tans it and so on. What county or countries are the biggest suppliers of leather in the USA? If you think most come from right here, your wrong, and the top country that produces leather may surprise you.

Most of the leather jackets you see in any store was made outside of the USA. That pretty much is the way most everything is today. Even Harley-Davidson has their leather apparel made outside the USA. Now that does not mean it’s not quality. Leather made outside the USA can be the finest quality. In fact most quality leather in the USA is imported, simply because most leather is imported. Continue reading What countries do we get leather hides from?