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What to do when you get a leather jacket or coat for a gift

How to care for your new leather jacket gift

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I roasted a full chicken and really pigged out, lol. Many people will get a leather jacket or coat for Christmas. Many boyfriends and husbands will get their girlfriends or wife a nice winter leather coat or jacket. Many times this is the first leather coat they ever had. So, they are not sure what to do with it.

Should they clean it? Does it need waterproofing stuff on it? Does it need sealer? Well let me tell you the basics of what to do if you get a new leather coat for Christmas, or anytime as a gift. First, you want to inspect it and be sure nothing is wrong with it so you can return it if you have to. Take a look all over the outside of the leather coat.

See if there are any rips, holes, burns, flaking or even discoloring on the leather. Next inspect all the outside stitching on the leather jacket. Is there any threads cut, pulled out, nicked or worn? Now inspect any zippers on all the pockets, vents and so on. Zip them open and closed several times. New zippers may be a little stiff. Continue reading What to do when you get a leather jacket or coat for a gift

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Care of leather jackets in the winter and cold

care of leather jackets in the winter and cold

When winter comes most people put away their leather motorcycle jackets. Unless your down south like Florida where I am. In that case it’s perfect for biking at this time of year! But even if your up north there still are plenty of fashion leather jackets and shearling leather jackets made for the winter to wear as all around jackets and coats.

Most have no idea what, if any, extra care should be done with leather jackets in the winter time. There are a few things you should do to help your leather jacket make it through the winter months as best as possible, as well as things not to do. The number one enemy of leather jackets in the cold winter months is drying out from the cold dry air. Continue reading Care of leather jackets in the winter and cold