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How much should a good leather jacket cost?

womens leather coat

What’s going on everyone? Today I’m going to talk about the sticky part of just how leather jackets are sold as far as the price goes. If you’ve every gone online and visited several different sites, you may have seen what seems to be the same leather jacket. What surprises you is everyone has a different price, and some are real cheap while others are real high. How can that be?

Well let me tell you just how leather jackets get bought and sold. If your dealing with a major manufacture of brand name items, you have to become a dealer of that brand. Once your approved you are told how much you can mark up an item for, or even flat out told “this sells for X amount, so sell it at that price.

But any item that is a non brand item, like most leather jackets and leather items, anyone can buy it from a wholesaler and then sell it for whatever they want to sell it for. A Harley Davidson leather jacket is a brand name, so you have to become a dealer and then you would be told what to sell that leather jacket for. But all these motorcycle sites and leather shops that sell leather jackets buy non brand name items. So then they can sell them for whatever they want. So how much DO they mark up? Continue reading How much should a good leather jacket cost?