Hi there everyone. Well as some of you know, I am taking a working vacation up in Vermont where I was born and raised. The fall is what I always like the best in Vermont. The winters are just too damn cold, which is why I moved to Florida. But I do like the fall with the beautiful fall colors. I’m going to be up here until Nov. 1st.
Last weekend I went with a lady friend up to Stowe, Vermont. It’s a popular tourist and ski town, and also has the highest mountain in Vermont, Mt. Mansfield. So we drove up to the top on the toll road, then hiked to the very top. However it was a foggy day, so the top was nothing but mist and fog. I took some pictures that you can see here.

The one above is at the very top, walking along the ridge line. Nothing but rocks, stunned firs and blueberry bushes. On a clear day you can see for miles and miles, it’s a spectacular sight. Needless to say, that was not one of those days! The picture at the very top is down the mountain more, where they are building a giant ski resort.
Finally the one below is of the gondolas that go up the mountain. They use those for skiing and summer visits. It was still a little too early for the peak fall foliage colors, this weekend and the next should be perfect. I’m going up in the hills again this weekend where I know of some great trout streams, ponds and swamps. I should be able to take some great pictures.
So that’s it, just wanted to share a few pictures. I’ll post the others once I get them. I’m still working on the leather store, I have so much to do, but I want to get out and enjoy the fall too! I should have some leather saddlebags and other motorcycle gear bags ready to sell soon. If you ever get the chance take a Vermont vacation in the fall, it’s great!