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Hello, It’s Kerry aka Leather Babe!!!

kerry lynn


Hello everyone, I am Kerry Lynn aka Leather Babe. I am Bill’s assistant and I just wanted to introduce myself, it has been a heck of a year already and we have been working hard!

We been revamping this website in case you were wondering why we haven’t been doing much on here. The old site was too outdated so that is where I come into the mix of things!

I am the one who has and will be working with Bill to add the newest products, do a lot of the writing and what not and also keep you posted on the latest biker events and advertising.

I also do a lot of the social media and things to here around the office as well. So with that being said you will be seeing me around the site a lot!! I am excited to be a part of this and getting all of you to be apart of our biker world.

This has been quite a fun journey already working on the site and completing a brand new site that I hope you all will love. Now I haven’t done this type of work all my life, I have done things like being a waitress, working in fast food, and even in doctor’s offices!

So why would I wanna work for a biker and leather company you ask? Well, I actually can enjoy my job now and it interests me. I also love the biker lifestyle and the fun it involves, such a laid back vibe.

I also hope to be adding an instant message chat online now feature soon to the website so if you all have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask!

Well I hope that all of you will be happy with the new site and I will definitely be on top of any and all questions and updates. So I hope to see you all around and keep watching for more updates!! Thanks for reading take care all 🙂



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