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Happy New Year from Leather Supreme!

Happy New Year from Leather Supreme

Hi everyone, Bill here! I’ve been letting Kerry, aka Leather Babe write most of my blog post these days. But I wanted to personally wish all my customers a Happy New Year!

2018 has been a good year and I really appreciate all the sales my customers have given us. I still have a lot of cool biker products to add to the store, it just takes a long time! I’m happy with the new look and layout of the store.

Kerry recently moved to Massachusetts (she’s a big Pats fan!) and is doing well. She still works with me as these days you can live anywhere and still work online, since most of her job is adding products, writing articles and so on.
Continue reading Happy New Year from Leather Supreme!

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A bikers holiday blues

bikers holiday blues

I hope everyone is having a good holiday season. But the truth is, many don’t look forward to the whole Christmas season. It’s not because of the actual reason for Christmas, it’s because of all the other stuff that gets shoved in your face during this time of year. Many travel to family for the Hoidays, and for some that’s reason enough to get the blues!

For those in big family’s, you get the whole “so are we going to your parents house or mine Christmas day” fight. Then when you get there you have to pretend you really look forward to cousin Larry and his darling 4 kids, or try to remember all the distant relatives who say hi and you don’t have a clue who they are.

This year is even more trying for most, as the economy crunch has really cut into people’s lives. Many who thought they were going to be celebrating Christmas in their new home are now crammed in a tiny apt. and looking for work. Never mind who’s at fault, the point is it can really get you down. Everyone wants to give their kids what they want for Christmas. Continue reading A bikers holiday blues