Hello everyone. I’m enjoying my stay up in Vermont. It’s cooler than in Florida, that’s for sure! As you all know if you’ve been reading my post, I’m going to open a store in here. Actually I will be doing that very soon, maybe a week or two. I’m always honest about everything I do, I think you know that. So I think it’s only fair to tell you the leather brands I’ll be stocking.
Now most buy their leather from big wholesalers, then slap their own names on it. I’m not going to do that. I will just use the brand name it comes with, and let the quality do the talking. Now one thing I’m going to do is stock one brand that is very, very high quality. They cost top dollar, but they can’t be beat, no how, no way. I also will stock 2 or 3 brands that are good quality, yet not cost more than most can afford.
All will be quality leather jackets, vest, motorcycle leather and all that stuff. None will be cheap stuff, I hate cheap leather! But I wanted to have a choice of good quality leather that most want to buy, and then the super top of the line leather that people with lots of money want, or those who don’t mind paying a lot for the super quality leather. So what brands am I talking about? Continue reading Leather jacket brands in my leather store