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Leather tanning process youtube video

HI everyone, once again I have been a bit behind on my post, sorry! This Friday I’m going to Universal Studios down here in Orlando. Should be a cool day, and the crowds right now are light. Anyway, I have a really neat youtube video on leather tanning.

Normally I post a youtube video just to fill in for when I have nothing to say!But this one is a really good one that is very informative. It shows the inside working of a very large leather tanning factory. Have you ever wondered just what the hell that machine looks like that splits leather hides in two?
Continue reading Leather tanning process youtube video

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How leather is made

leather hides

Hi everyone. Well in my last post I told about what different animals leather comes from. So let’s say from that you have decided you want a cowhide leather jacket. Great, good choice. Are you going to get one that is top grain, top grade, split leather, naked leather, aniline or patchwork?

Oh no, not more confusing stuff! Yes, leather can be tricky like I’ve said. Now you can see just how little people understand when they go out and get that “top grade leather jacket”. But it’s not that hard once it’s been explained, and I’ll do that right now for you.

As you know leather is just the hide, the skin of the animal. Different areas of the animal has stronger or thicker hide than others. Take a look at that picture at the top. That shows you the basic sections they use for making a leather product. The sides are the most thickest and strongest and more uniform in texture. Continue reading How leather is made