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Going on a Vermont vacation soon

Well everyone, it’s about time for a vacation for myself! I’m from Vermont, so every year once it gets summer I go up for a visit. I just can’t stand the cold up there in the winter, but summer is nice up there.

So I’ll be going up there in two weeks. This time I have a camcorder so I’ll take some nice videos of the woods and places up there. I’ll share them on here when I get back. You do want to see my vacation videos, right? 🙂

I’ll take my leather jacket as it still gets cool up there in the evenings. I’ll go up to Stowe and several other places where you can go far up the mountains and see beautiful views.

I’ll take my laptop so I’ll still be working and taking orders, so feel free to order anything while I’m on vacation please! It will be nice to go and see some place different for a bit.

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