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Biketoberfest 2010 Daytona Beach Florida

Biketoberfest in Daytona Beach 2010

Not too far from now it will be Biketoberfest 2010 in Daytona Beach and the Orlando area. Seems like it gets more popular and bigger every year. Then again motorcycles and beer always seem to go well together!

Biketoberfest 2010 also seems to be spreading out all over the central Florida area. Use to be there only was a biker gathering around Daytona Beach in October for Biketoberfest.

But now you can catch biker events all over the central Florida area, from Orlando to Daytona and north and south too. It’s a lot of fun with nice custom bikes to look at, plus biker chicks!
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Check out my new pet website

Orlando area pet services

Orlando Pet Services

Besides working on this site, I also manage about a dozen more. What, you think I make enough to live off on this site! No way, not even close. Anyway I just opened up a new one that is all about pets.

Actually it’s called Orlando Pet Services, so it has a lot about local pet stuff in the Orlando area. However it also will have lots of general pet information, health care, pet products reviews and so on.

I use to raise rabbits, ferrets, yorkies and so on. I always had dogs and cats. Currently I have one cat named Spinkie! She’s low maintenance and does not need much attention, which is perfect for how my life is right now.

So anyway if you get a chance check out my pet website. It does not have much in it right now but I have contributing authors on it so it will grow fast. Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two from it. 🙂

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Going on a Vermont vacation soon

Well everyone, it’s about time for a vacation for myself! I’m from Vermont, so every year once it gets summer I go up for a visit. I just can’t stand the cold up there in the winter, but summer is nice up there.

So I’ll be going up there in two weeks. This time I have a camcorder so I’ll take some nice videos of the woods and places up there. I’ll share them on here when I get back. You do want to see my vacation videos, right? 🙂

I’ll take my leather jacket as it still gets cool up there in the evenings. I’ll go up to Stowe and several other places where you can go far up the mountains and see beautiful views.

I’ll take my laptop so I’ll still be working and taking orders, so feel free to order anything while I’m on vacation please! It will be nice to go and see some place different for a bit.

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My first leather apparel youtube videos

My my have I been busy! Last weekend I finally got together with my friend and made about 6 videos with her modeling the leather apparel. I’m disappointed in how they came out. I thought I had enough light, but these had to be brightened up in the editor.

As a result they are washed out and don’t show the detail I wanted. I also still have not figured out how to add songs to the video. So they don’t have any sound, except for cars going by outside!
Continue reading My first leather apparel youtube videos

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Awesome cycles youtube video from bike week 2010

I know I know, not MORE bike week stuff! Yes, but this is the last one for a while. I’ve posted a video of bikers from bike week. I’ve posted pictures of custom bikes from bike week.

This last and final bike week video is more of the custom bikes. I got a few other ones that are not in my picture gallery. Plus it’s nice to see the bikes all around as I walk around them.

So check out this video from bike week 2010. I’m sure you’ll like the bikes and trikes you see in here. My next post will be something about leather, I promise!

In fact my good friend Ashley is posing for some new leather items this weekend for me. Going to make a new youtube channel for just leather videos. I’ll let you know once I make a few. 😉

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Custom bike picture gallery from bike week 2010

custom bike gallery

Once again I have some more pictures from bike week 2010. This time I made a new picture gallery of some really hot looking custom bikes. They were on display at the Daytona speedway in Daytona beach.

custom bike gallery

I was going to make a slide show of them. But you can’t do these pictures justice by compressing them. The pictures are very good and high format so I wanted to use them as big as I could.

Just click each thumbnail image to see the full size picture. Then hit your back button to go back to the gallery. There are links to the places that make the bikes if your interested in buying any. They are fantastic, take a look and see!

Click here for the custom bike picture gallery

custom bike gallery