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Ladies’ Soft Cowhide Leather Motorcycle Jacket with Studs and Tribal Wings

ladies tribal wings and studs cowhide leather jacket

Hi everyone! I hope you’re having a great week. If not, this gorgeous cowhide leather jacket with reflective wings will brighten your day. It’s designed for ladies, featuring high-quality materials and intricate details.

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Women’s Premium Soft Cowhide Leather Motorcycle Jacket W Pink Reflective Tribal Wings, Studs

womens cowhide leather jacket reflective wings and studs

Click here to see the latest ladies cowhide leather jacket today!

Good Tuesday morning all, its that time again for me to showcase another lovely ladies leather motorcycle jacket. This leather jacket is a very high quality jacket that I have just got in and it is really beautifully put together.

As you can see above it is a ladies black soft cowhide leather motorcycle jacket with vibrant pink colored wings on the back with also pink trim. Both the wings and the trim are reflective at nighttime, which makes it a lot more easier for others to see you. Continue reading Women’s Premium Soft Cowhide Leather Motorcycle Jacket W Pink Reflective Tribal Wings, Studs

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leather hide thickness in leather jackets

thickness of leather hides in leather jackets

Hi everybody. I thought I’d make a quick post today about leather thickness after Curt asked about his buffalo leather jacket vs his cowhide one. Now as I’ve said many times, a leather hide is split into two or more layers when they process it. The top layer that had the hair on it is called the top grain layer. The other layers below it are the split grain layers.

So just how thick do they make the splits? How do they know how thick to make them? Well after all these years of making leather, the leather industry has come up with some standards for leather hide thicknesses. There basically are three main thickness levels, with some differences in each one.

The three levels are:
1.0 mm (or less) used for fashion leathers, purses and so on.
1.3 mm (1.3 to 1.5 average) This is the most common for motorcycle jackets and riding leather.
2.0 mm only used in Naked Leather.
So lets review those levels a bit more, shall we? Continue reading leather hide thickness in leather jackets

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Buffalo hide vs cowhide leather jackets

Buffalo hide vs cowhide leather jackets, is buffalo stronger than cowhide?

HI everyone, hope you all are doing fine. Is buffalo hide or leather stronger than cowhide leather jackets? Is buffalo hide thicker than cowhide? Is buffalo hide stiffer than cowhide leather jackets? A few weeks ago I made a post about pigskin vs cowhide leather jackets, as I saw a lot of people type that in when they found my site here.

About the same number of people also type in some version of buffalo hide vs cowhide leather jackets. So, I thought I would clear that up here as well. Now, most people think of buffalo as a strong animal, stronger than a cow, which is true. So they assume that buffalo hide is much stronger than a cowhide. That is not really true, at least as far as the leather that is made from each one goes.

In it’s natural state, a raw buffalo leather hide is thicker than a cowhide. Not by much, but a little. However when they make a leather jacket or any other leather item from the hide, they split it. A full hide is way too thick to be used for a leather jacket or most other leather apparel. They do use a full hide on items like saddles, some boots and stuff like that, but not leather jackets and apparel. Continue reading Buffalo hide vs cowhide leather jackets

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Pigskin vs cowhide leather jackets

Cowhide vs pigskin leather motorcycle jacketsCowhide vs pigskin leather motorcycle jackets

Hi everyone, hope you all had a good fourth of July weekend. Mine was peaceful,,, another words, boring, haha. Well, I have been noticing on some key words that people type in that a lot of you really want to know just how pigskin leather jackets compare to cowhide leather jackets.

Is pigskin as strong as cowhide? Is pigskin or cowhide tougher? Is cowhide or pigskin thicker or softer? Do pigskin hides have different markings on them than cowhide? Which one is cheaper in price, and which one is just plain cheap? Well let me try to explain all that so you know once and for all!

First, the three most common types of leather animal hides for leather jackets are cowhide, buffalo hide, and pigskin. These three are the most common for tuff motorcycle leather jackets. Leather jackets are also made from goats, sheep and lambs, but they should only be used in fashion or dress leather jackets.
Continue reading Pigskin vs cowhide leather jackets