My my have I been busy! Last weekend I finally got together with my friend and made about 6 videos with her modeling the leather apparel. I’m disappointed in how they came out. I thought I had enough light, but these had to be brightened up in the editor.
As a result they are washed out and don’t show the detail I wanted. I also still have not figured out how to add songs to the video. So they don’t have any sound, except for cars going by outside! Continue reading My first leather apparel youtube videos
Man oh man have I been busy! I took on a website making project so I’ve been doing that. Anyway I wanted to let you know of something I’m working on here at Leather Supreme. My leather jackets and apparel are quality leather that I buy from a wholesaler, like all retailers do.
The pictures are stock from the dealer. That means everyone who sells this same leather has the same pictures. So I thought, why not make my own and be different? Then I thought, hell why not make videos of my leather!
See the cute girl in the picture up there? That’s my good friend,,,, lets call her leather babe! She’s going to start modeling my leather jackets and apparel. But not just pictures. I’m going to film her modeling the leather also. Continue reading New leather jacket and apparel model
Hi everyone, the weather is getting warmer, at least down here in Florida. It will not be long before it’s hot all the time here in Orlando. My last post was about leather jewelry, so today I thought I’d make a youtube video post on leather crafting. That is, making designs and very detailed pictures in leather.
It’s amazing just how detailed you can get a design in leather. Now this video makes it all look real easy, but it’s not! It takes years and years of practice to get as good as this guy is in this video. I myself can’t make a design in leather to save my life. I’ve airbrushed designs on leather, but using stencils.
As this guy shows, it takes a lot of special leather crafting tools to make any good design. The tools need to be in good shape and really sharp. But once you know what your doing and have all the right leather crafting tools you can make just about any design you can think of in leather.
Once the design has been cut into the leather, you want to treat it with conditioner, then a sealer over it. Just like all the rest of your leather items. So if you ever wanted to make some designs in leather this video is a good start to watch. Enjoy this leather crafting youtube video!