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Leather jewelry boxes in all colors and sizes

Leather jewelry boxes

One of the most beautiful items that are made with leather is jewelry boxes. Leather jewelry boxes come in many different sizes, shapes and colors. Because leather is so soft and flexible you can use it for very small, detailed items. The leather jewelry boxes here give you an idea of just how fancy and detailed you can make an item out of leather. Continue reading Leather jewelry boxes in all colors and sizes

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Leesburg Bikefest gets busier this year

Leesburg bikefest, motorcycle gathering in Florida

Well I hate to say it, but the Leesburg Bikefest has come and gone and I did not even know about it until today. However I am sure I’m in good company, as far more bikers know about bike week in Daytona Beach then the Leesburg bikfest. Leesburg is a medium sized town north-west of Orlando, Florida.

The Leesburg Bikefest ran from April 24th to today, the 26th. It actually started 12 years ago and has gotten bigger every year. They estimate a good 250,000 bikers was at this years events. It has a lot of the same activities as Bike Week does, which is looking at hot women, hot bikes and drinking cold beer!

Unfortunately they had at least two bike fatalities today, which mars the perfect previous two years. They had perfect weather over the weekend and I’m sure everyone had a great time. If you want to learn more about it so you can go next year, visit the Leesburg Bikefest home page.

Leesburg bikefest, motorcycle gathering in Florida

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Leather jacket spring cleaning

leather jacket spring cleaning

Well even though the folks down here in Florida can ride all year long, most of us put away our bikes for the winter. After a long winter it’s really nice to get that leather motorcycle jacket out and all the gear, go over it and get it ready for riding! Storing a leather jacket over the winter can be very easy or very harmful to it, depending on how you store it.

If you cleaned it good and conditioned it before putting it away in a cool dry place, chances are you don’t have to do anything to it. But lots of times we tend to throw our leather jacket in a corner somewhere, thinking we will get to it later. Then later becomes when you take it out in the spring!

Two of the most common problems you see when storing a leather jacket for the winter are drying and cracking, and mildew. The first problem comes from storing it in a hot and/or too dry place. The second comes from storing it in a damp and wet area, or putting it away with dirt on it. Winters seem to have both conditions in the same house!
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Popping in to say hi & what’s new at leather supreme

Wow, it sure has been a long time since my last post! Well I have a good reason for it. My last post I made was just after I got back from Bike week in Daytona Beach. Right after that, all hell broke loose! My computer crashed, which is a big deal for me since I work on the net. At the same time my truck wore out the front brakes.

So I had a few days of frantically trying to get my computer fixed. Turned out it was the motherboard, which basically means in my case it was cheaper to just buy a new one. Then I fixed my front brakes, only to find I could not get the bleeder screw loose! So I drove down the road hoping I could “pump” the air out. Yeah, so now I know that does not work!

Anyway somehow by doing that I blew a hole right in the back brake line! I was about close to tears by then! So the next day I fixed that, don’t ask me how, lets just say I hope it last for a little while. I then spent a few days getting all my old information off my old hard drive on my computer into my new one.

Half of that the new windows vista operating system does not “see”, so I am still having problems. So, that’s what my life has been like the past few weeks! Things are a lot better right now, at least I can work on my new computer and can drive my truck, just not very far! So if your having a tough time, your not alone.

Anyways I wanted to let anyone who reads this site know that I’m still around, still selling leather and will soon start making semi-regular post again. I need to get a lot more leather products in my store and spiff it up a bit. Hope everyone is doing as best as they can in these troubling times and look for more post soon, hopefully ones with better news!! 😉

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Daytona Beach bike week 2009

bike week in daytona beach

Well everyone, in about one more week Daytona Beach will host bike week 2009. I live in Orlando, which is about 60 miles away from Daytona. I think last year there was over 600,000 bikers there. This year it’s hard to say how many will be there the way the economy is. It might be a little less busy, but not by much.

I think bikers who really like bike week in Daytona will find the money to go. I’ve been there a few times myself. So just what kind of bikes and bikers can you find there? Every kind you can think of. It’s not just die hard bikers that live on the road, although there will be plenty of them. You also get the more family type of biker.

There will be plenty of $70,000 touring motorcycles with sidecars with mom and the kid. Doctors, office guys and so on will be there with their bikes. Many make it a family event. There are plenty of things to see for the whole family. Of course there’s just as many events you want to go by yourself, like the ladies oil wrestling and wet t shirt contest! 😉
Continue reading Daytona Beach bike week 2009

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Leather roses of all colors made for any occasion

leather rosesleather rosesleather roses

Pictures above from English Leather Rose website click here

I hope everyone had a nice Valentines day. Right after that day I thought about how you can buy leather roses and so I thought I’d make a post about that. I wish I had thought about it before Valentines Day! But hey, you can buy your sweetie leather roses anytime of the year. Now not all leather roses are made the same.

Making a leather rose is an art and is pretty much all hand made. Some can be crude, just loops of colored leather made into a strange looking rose. While others are done in a very beautiful way that really looks like a rose. The ones in the pictures here all are from a shop in the UK called English Leather Rose.

There are many here in the USA too, I just used English Leather Rose shop because I really like how they make their leather roses. Now I myself admit I don’t really know just what type of leather they use for leather roses. The leather looks thin, so I would say it’s lambskin or goatskin. However it could be cowhide split very thin. Continue reading Leather roses of all colors made for any occasion