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How to buy quality leather gloves and motorcycle gloves

leather motorcycle glovesleather motorcycle gloves

I’ve never had a post about leather gloves before on here. The reason is,,, well,,, there are so damn many different types of leather gloves out there! So it’s hard to really say just what you should look for or what to get. Leather gloves can be made of just about any type of leather hide, plus have many other fabrics and synthetic material in them.

They can be lined or unlined, stiff or soft, tough like iron or delicate to scratches, any color of the rainbow, with or without leather fringes or hardware and on and on. So it can be very confusing if your trying to find a quality pair of leather gloves. One thing I can tell you is, DON’T get “patchwork” leather gloves.

Those are the type that has many small pieces of leather sewn together to make the finished product. They are junk and you should not get any type of leather item made from patchwork leather, be it a leather jacket, vest, wallet or gloves. Now, there are three basic types of leather gloves, with variations in each class. The first is full finger leather gloves like in the pictures above.
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Small leather items that make good gifts

leather items that make good gifts

In my last post I was saying how maybe getting someone a leather jacket might not be such a great idea, since it’s so personal. But today I’ll tell you about leather items that do make great gifts. There’s a lot of small items for the motorcycle or for yourself made of leather that are great gifts and not too expensive.

A leather purse is one item, that would be for a girl of course! You can find many styles and colors, along with many sizes. While were talking about leather gifts for a woman, another leather gift could be leather ponytail holders. You also can find leather waist pouches, leather backpacks and leather shoulder bags.

For more unisex leather gifts, we have leather cup holders for the motorcycle, leather cigarette cases, leather cell phone holders, leather cigarette lighter cases, lots of different types of leather hats and more. Leather gloves are also a good gift item if you know what style they like. I don’t think leather boots are a good gift, you really need to know the size and style they want. Continue reading Small leather items that make good gifts