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Leather jewelry,bracelets & necklaces

leather jewelry and bracelets

From time to time I start to get a little writers block about leather. There is only so much you can talk about as far as leather goes. I’ve pretty much covered all the ways of cleaning, conditioning and caring for leather. But today I happened to see a pretty leather bracelet and realized I have never talked about leather jewelry.

Now to some jewelry made from leather just does not sound right. Like, what can you make with leather that looks like jewelry? But actually there are many kinds of leather jewelry made. Often the leather is only part of the whole piece of jewelry, like a braided leather necklace with a silver pendant on the end.

Or in the case of leather bracelets the leather makes up the whole thing, or most of it. Cowhide and pigskin are the most common types of leather hides used to make leather jewelry. Almost all leather jewelry is made by making the leather into long thin strips, then braiding them together to make a nice looking pattern.

leather jewelryleather necklaces

A leather bracelet or necklace can have many small strips of leather braided together, or just a few thick ones. It all depends on the leather artist. And they truly are artist; it takes a damn long time to learn how to braid leather into jewelry, I know I can’t! Some use different colors of leather strips to make a colorful piece.

Often they also add silver, gold, copper, nickel or stainless steel to the leather jewelry to really make it look nice and give it more function. The types of leather jewelry is only limited to your imagination. There are leather roses, leather picture frames, leather jewelry boxes and many other forms of leather jewelry.

So if you wanted to see just what kinds of leather jewelry there are out there, just google leather jewelry and you’ll find lots of them. Sometimes there are even leather jewelry shops in my sidebar ads I sell. If you love leather, than go all out and get a few leather necklaces, bracelets or any other leather jewelry and show off your love of leather!

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Another cool leather tanning youtube video

A few post ago I showed a youtube video of inside a leather tanning plant. I found another one that shows a little bit more about just what goes on in these places. Not every leather tanning place does things exactly the same. The basics are the same, but some places do the steps different, and use different machines.

This one shows a bit more hands on approach to the whole leather tanning process. As you can see, it’s a very physical and demanding job. I’m sure the smell of all those tanning chemicals must be pretty strong too. So take a look at this long leather tanning you tube video and see just a little bit more how the whole leather tanning process works!

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How to put on patches for leather jackets

Leather jacket patches, how to put them on

Hi everyone, time for me to make another good article on biker leather! Today I’ll talk about how to put on a patch for your leather jacket. By patch I mean any kind of logo, picture or saying made to go on leather jackets. Now before you ever put on a patch, think long and hard if you really want it on there. Just like a tattoo, it seems like a good idea at the time, but you might change your mind later.

Now you might think well, if I don’t like it I can always just take it off right? Yes, but the only really good way to put a patch on a leather jacket is to sew it on. I know some places say you can find glue to put your patch on, but there always seems to be a problem with that. So many glues discolor the leather.

Or they often start coming off a few months down the road, or if you try to take it off, it takes the leather with it! So I’m not going to recommend you glue it on. If you do fine, but remember, I told you so! So that leaves the other way, which is to sew it on. If you sew it on, the holes the needle make are there forever. Continue reading How to put on patches for leather jackets

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Obama should have worn a leather coat

mens leather jacket

I just wanted to make a quick post today. Talking about the new president is a bit off topic, but hey, it’s a big deal so why not. Besides, it’s my site! The weather at the inaugural was a bit cold, so he had on a long coat of some type. It looked good, but I think a long leather coat or trench coat would have looked cool with him wearing it!

It would have really cut that wind that was blowing too. So Obama is our 44th president now, and the first ever black president. Actually he has a bit of a few races in him, biracial. Love him or hate him, he’s it for another 4 years. I myself like how he keeps a calm, steady demeanor about him. He does not seem to get rattled up too easy. Continue reading Obama should have worn a leather coat

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Leather tanning process youtube video

HI everyone, once again I have been a bit behind on my post, sorry! This Friday I’m going to Universal Studios down here in Orlando. Should be a cool day, and the crowds right now are light. Anyway, I have a really neat youtube video on leather tanning.

Normally I post a youtube video just to fill in for when I have nothing to say!But this one is a really good one that is very informative. It shows the inside working of a very large leather tanning factory. Have you ever wondered just what the hell that machine looks like that splits leather hides in two?
Continue reading Leather tanning process youtube video

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Winter storage of your leather motorcycle jacket

winter care of leather jackets and coats

I know I made a post a while ago about caring for your leather jacket in the winter. Most people who have leather motorcycle jackets store them all winter long. I’ll just give a brief recap of how to best store your leather motorcycle jacket today, because I can’t think of anything else to say today!

Many times in the fall when you get ready to put your leather motorcycle jacket away you are too busy to really do a good job of it. You hang it up thinking “next week I’ll take it back out, clean it and really store it good”. But now it’s January and you just remembered that steam that goes into your closet from the radiator!

The best thing you can do right now is take it out and give it a good look over. Did you clean it good so dirt and crap is not stuck in the zippers, hardware and pockets? Now that you have more time in the long winter days you should get your leather motorcycle jacket out and clean it good. Wipe it down, brush it off and go over the buttons and snaps with a toothbrush to get out dirt. Continue reading Winter storage of your leather motorcycle jacket