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Happy New Year from Leather Supreme!

Happy New Year from Leather Supreme!

Hey everyone, I just wanted to wish you all a happy new year! I hope your holiday season has been good and you got what you wanted. I know 2010 was not a good year for many.

In fact for a lot of folks it was the worst year yet, what with homes being foreclosed on and the job situation still bad. I’m sure everyone is looking forward to see what 2011 will bring.

As for myself, I’m not doing too bad. I run around two dozen websites and work from home which I love. I’ve been doing that for around 4 years now and would not want to do anything else.
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What is tooled leather, tooling leather tools and using them

What is tooled leather and using tooling leather tools

A nice tooled leather belt made by tooling leather tools

What is tooled leather? What about tooling leather? How about tooling leather tools? I get those questions from time to time, so I’ll talk about them here. I’ll answer the first question first.

Tooled Leather

What is tooled leather? It’s actually very simple, it’s any piece of leather that has been worked on in any way to have a design, initials, pattern or other decorative look applied to it.
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Men’s leather bomber jacket, answers about leather bomber jackets

Mens leather bomber jacket

Very soon I’m going to be starting to carry men’s leather bomber jackets. I own several of them myself and love them. Let me explain just a bit about what a leather bomber jacket is and how it’s different from other leather jackets.

First a little history about why they are called bomber jackets. I may be wrong, but I think the term came from the leather jackets the airmen wore during world world II. The aircraft were bombers, and so the particular style of leather jacket they wore became known as leather bomber jackets. Correct me if I’m wrong. 😉

Leather bomber jackets are made to be very comfortable. They have a loose fit cut around the chest and body area so you can turn and bend easy with them on. The sleeves are a bit long also for the same reason.
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How a Women’s Leather jacket is different than men’s

Women's leather jacket

I’ve had a few women who liked a men’s leather jacket and wanted to know if they could get it in a women’s Leather jacket style. When I said I did not they asked if the men’s jacket would fit them.

The short answer is yes, but they would not fit good. When it comes to a women’s Leather jacket there are several different areas that are different than a mens. The two biggest differences are the arm length and torso.

You can have a man and woman stand side by side and be equal in height, but a jacket would not fit the same. Men have longer torso’s than a woman, as well as arms in general.
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USA leather, finding leather jackets made in the USA

Many bikers want to get a leather jacket that is made in the USA. Bikers in general seem to be a more patriotic bunch that want to buy USA leather products whenever they can. However like most things made today, where leather jackets are made and came from can be confusing.

The truth is most leather jackets and leather apparel in general is made outside the USA. Most are high quality, in fact the biggest names in leather wear get their leather outside the USA and also get it made somewhere else.

However maybe you don’t care if it’s quality or not, you just want a good quality USA leather jacket from and made in the USA. If so there are two things to keep in mind, where the actual leather comes from, and where it’s made.
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Leather embossing, how to make embossed leather

Leather embossing kit
Leather embossing kits

One thing I don’t think I’ve ever discussed here is leather embossing, or what embossed leather is. So just what is leather embossing? What does embossed leather look like? How do you emboss leather and where can you get leather embossing kits?

Well first lets get it straight about just what is leather embossing, because it is often confused with leather tooling, or leather working. Simply put, leather embossing is the act of putting any type of design, mark or lettering in leather with a stamp, wheel or die tool.

Leather embossing is the act of stamping or pressing an object into the leather so that it leaves an impression. Embossed leather does NOT have any leather cut out, like in leather tooling.
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