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How to buy a quality soft leather briefcase and what to look for

buying a leather briefcase

How do you buy a quality leather briefcase? What do you look for when buying a leather briefcase? How do I know if a briefcase is made of real leather? If you’ve ever tried to buy a leather briefcase chances are you’ve asked those questions. I use to sell leather briefcases, and airbrushed monograms on them.

There are many kinds of leather briefcases. You have very simple ones with just a few compartments, to briefcases with many compartments, file holders, pen holders, pockets, laptop compartments and more. The two main types of leather briefcases are hard briefcases and soft briefcases. The hard leather briefcases normally have latches with combination locks, or key locks.

Today I’ll just talk about the soft leather briefcases. Most soft leather briefcases have a fold over top flap that locks in place by a snap, twist button, buckles or simple buttons. Also popular are the zippered leather briefcases with several zippered compartments. What style you get is really a matter of personal preference. Continue reading How to buy a quality soft leather briefcase and what to look for

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Small leather items that make good gifts

leather items that make good gifts

In my last post I was saying how maybe getting someone a leather jacket might not be such a great idea, since it’s so personal. But today I’ll tell you about leather items that do make great gifts. There’s a lot of small items for the motorcycle or for yourself made of leather that are great gifts and not too expensive.

A leather purse is one item, that would be for a girl of course! You can find many styles and colors, along with many sizes. While were talking about leather gifts for a woman, another leather gift could be leather ponytail holders. You also can find leather waist pouches, leather backpacks and leather shoulder bags.

For more unisex leather gifts, we have leather cup holders for the motorcycle, leather cigarette cases, leather cell phone holders, leather cigarette lighter cases, lots of different types of leather hats and more. Leather gloves are also a good gift item if you know what style they like. I don’t think leather boots are a good gift, you really need to know the size and style they want. Continue reading Small leather items that make good gifts

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Adding a leather jacket & apparel store soon!

new leather jacket and leather apparel store at Leather Supreme

Hi everyone. Before too long it will be cooler weather. Bikers up north will have to put away their Harleys for another year. But the lucky ones down south, like where I am, get to ride all year. In fact the fall and winter months are some of the best times to ride here. The weather is perfect, not too hot, not too cold.

Anyway I wanted to let you know that soon I will be opening up a leather store right here inside this site. I can make lots of pages with lots of items. I’ve sold leather jackets and other leather items before. So I know what is good brands and bad brands. When I just started out I sold leather that everyone else did.

That was really cheap leather, and it smelled, came apart and had all kinds of problems with it. So that’s what made me study up on leather, find out what the really good leather is, how to spot it, and who the hell sells it! So now when I open up my leather store I know just where to go, who to buy my wholesale leather from. So just what will I sell?
Continue reading Adding a leather jacket & apparel store soon!

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Leather handbags & purses

Leather handbags and purses

What’s going on everyone? The weekend is finally here, I bet your glad of that! I thought I would talk a little about leather handbags and purses today. I try to make this a leather site about all things leather, so I’ll include purse and handbags, at least once. Now, almost no where else is the problem of cheap and fake leather more common than in handbags and purses!

Most of the leather handbags out there are not real leather at all. There are a wide variety of “synthetic” leather that is passed of as leather. That means it’s rubber or plastic, with some fabric thrown in. Simulated real leather, leather-like, leather grain pattern, leatherette, all those names are fancy fronts for non leather fabric.

Even the real leather purses can be really cheap. Of course we have the patchwork leather purses too, which are even worst than the fake leather knock-offs! Don’t get a patch work, bonded leather purse or handbag. They will fall apart almost as soon as you start using them. They also often use leather so thin it rips just dragging a fingernail over it. Continue reading Leather handbags & purses