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Leather jacket brands in my leather store

leather brands I will have in my store

Hello everyone. I’m enjoying my stay up in Vermont. It’s cooler than in Florida, that’s for sure! As you all know if you’ve been reading my post, I’m going to open a store in here. Actually I will be doing that very soon, maybe a week or two. I’m always honest about everything I do, I think you know that. So I think it’s only fair to tell you the leather brands I’ll be stocking.

Now most buy their leather from big wholesalers, then slap their own names on it. I’m not going to do that. I will just use the brand name it comes with, and let the quality do the talking. Now one thing I’m going to do is stock one brand that is very, very high quality. They cost top dollar, but they can’t be beat, no how, no way. I also will stock 2 or 3 brands that are good quality, yet not cost more than most can afford.

All will be quality leather jackets, vest, motorcycle leather and all that stuff. None will be cheap stuff, I hate cheap leather! But I wanted to have a choice of good quality leather that most want to buy, and then the super top of the line leather that people with lots of money want, or those who don’t mind paying a lot for the super quality leather. So what brands am I talking about? Continue reading Leather jacket brands in my leather store

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What countries do we get leather hides from?

where do leather hides come from?

Time for another post from Uncle Bill here! Just in case you were wondering, I have not been getting much of that storm from hurricane Fay here in Orlando. It really flooded parts of the coast and all, but Orlando is in the middle of the state. So we have a steady rain, but no real storm or flooding here.

So on with the post of today, which is, just where does all our leather come from? I don’t mean what animal, I mean who produces it, tans it and so on. What county or countries are the biggest suppliers of leather in the USA? If you think most come from right here, your wrong, and the top country that produces leather may surprise you.

Most of the leather jackets you see in any store was made outside of the USA. That pretty much is the way most everything is today. Even Harley-Davidson has their leather apparel made outside the USA. Now that does not mean it’s not quality. Leather made outside the USA can be the finest quality. In fact most quality leather in the USA is imported, simply because most leather is imported. Continue reading What countries do we get leather hides from?

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leather hide thickness in leather jackets

thickness of leather hides in leather jackets

Hi everybody. I thought I’d make a quick post today about leather thickness after Curt asked about his buffalo leather jacket vs his cowhide one. Now as I’ve said many times, a leather hide is split into two or more layers when they process it. The top layer that had the hair on it is called the top grain layer. The other layers below it are the split grain layers.

So just how thick do they make the splits? How do they know how thick to make them? Well after all these years of making leather, the leather industry has come up with some standards for leather hide thicknesses. There basically are three main thickness levels, with some differences in each one.

The three levels are:
1.0 mm (or less) used for fashion leathers, purses and so on.
1.3 mm (1.3 to 1.5 average) This is the most common for motorcycle jackets and riding leather.
2.0 mm only used in Naked Leather.
So lets review those levels a bit more, shall we? Continue reading leather hide thickness in leather jackets

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How to put studs on a leather jacket, vest or saddlebags

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I’ve been asked a lot how to put studs, crystals and other decorations on a leather jacket, vest or saddlebags. So today I’ll tell you. Now, this is how you put them on anything leather, not just leather jackets, vest or saddlebags. Those are just the ones most people put them on.

leather studs for leather jacketshow to put on leather studs on leather jackets

But you can put them on dusters, pants, chaps, hats, motorcycle seats, anything at all made of leather. There are two different types of studs. The ones that most use and are simple to put on have two prongs on the bottom. All you do is make two small holes for the prongs to go through, then bend them over with some pliers.

The other type has a screw on back. You make a hole in the leather, push the stud through, then screw the bottom part in. Sort of like putting a nut on a bolt. The above youtube video shows how to put the prong type on your leather item. The guys a bit of a punk head, but he does a good job showing how to do it. Continue reading How to put studs on a leather jacket, vest or saddlebags

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Adding a leather jacket & apparel store soon!

new leather jacket and leather apparel store at Leather Supreme

Hi everyone. Before too long it will be cooler weather. Bikers up north will have to put away their Harleys for another year. But the lucky ones down south, like where I am, get to ride all year. In fact the fall and winter months are some of the best times to ride here. The weather is perfect, not too hot, not too cold.

Anyway I wanted to let you know that soon I will be opening up a leather store right here inside this site. I can make lots of pages with lots of items. I’ve sold leather jackets and other leather items before. So I know what is good brands and bad brands. When I just started out I sold leather that everyone else did.

That was really cheap leather, and it smelled, came apart and had all kinds of problems with it. So that’s what made me study up on leather, find out what the really good leather is, how to spot it, and who the hell sells it! So now when I open up my leather store I know just where to go, who to buy my wholesale leather from. So just what will I sell?
Continue reading Adding a leather jacket & apparel store soon!

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Buffalo hide vs cowhide leather jackets

Buffalo hide vs cowhide leather jackets, is buffalo stronger than cowhide?

HI everyone, hope you all are doing fine. Is buffalo hide or leather stronger than cowhide leather jackets? Is buffalo hide thicker than cowhide? Is buffalo hide stiffer than cowhide leather jackets? A few weeks ago I made a post about pigskin vs cowhide leather jackets, as I saw a lot of people type that in when they found my site here.

About the same number of people also type in some version of buffalo hide vs cowhide leather jackets. So, I thought I would clear that up here as well. Now, most people think of buffalo as a strong animal, stronger than a cow, which is true. So they assume that buffalo hide is much stronger than a cowhide. That is not really true, at least as far as the leather that is made from each one goes.

In it’s natural state, a raw buffalo leather hide is thicker than a cowhide. Not by much, but a little. However when they make a leather jacket or any other leather item from the hide, they split it. A full hide is way too thick to be used for a leather jacket or most other leather apparel. They do use a full hide on items like saddles, some boots and stuff like that, but not leather jackets and apparel. Continue reading Buffalo hide vs cowhide leather jackets