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A bikers holiday blues

bikers holiday blues

I hope everyone is having a good holiday season. But the truth is, many don’t look forward to the whole Christmas season. It’s not because of the actual reason for Christmas, it’s because of all the other stuff that gets shoved in your face during this time of year. Many travel to family for the Hoidays, and for some that’s reason enough to get the blues!

For those in big family’s, you get the whole “so are we going to your parents house or mine Christmas day” fight. Then when you get there you have to pretend you really look forward to cousin Larry and his darling 4 kids, or try to remember all the distant relatives who say hi and you don’t have a clue who they are.

This year is even more trying for most, as the economy crunch has really cut into people’s lives. Many who thought they were going to be celebrating Christmas in their new home are now crammed in a tiny apt. and looking for work. Never mind who’s at fault, the point is it can really get you down. Everyone wants to give their kids what they want for Christmas. Continue reading A bikers holiday blues

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Check out my Walt Disney World site, Orlando Inside!

Walt Disney World Orlando vacation site

HI everyone, hope the holiday season is treating you well. Today I wanted to tell you about a website I just made. No it’s nothing about leather, hell I don’t have to have EVERY post about leather do I! I’m not sure if I ever told anyone here, but I use to work for Walt Disney World. I also worked at Universal Studios, the Orlando international airport, and was an Orlando courier for 5 years.

So, I know a damn lot about Orlando! I happen to love going to the theme parks, and have annual passes to them all. I worked as a 3rd shift maintenance man at Walt Disney World. So I got to go where others could not, see what others did not see. I knew a lot of people there, and got to know a lot about Walt Disney World. Continue reading Check out my Walt Disney World site, Orlando Inside!

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Small leather items that make good gifts

leather items that make good gifts

In my last post I was saying how maybe getting someone a leather jacket might not be such a great idea, since it’s so personal. But today I’ll tell you about leather items that do make great gifts. There’s a lot of small items for the motorcycle or for yourself made of leather that are great gifts and not too expensive.

A leather purse is one item, that would be for a girl of course! You can find many styles and colors, along with many sizes. While were talking about leather gifts for a woman, another leather gift could be leather ponytail holders. You also can find leather waist pouches, leather backpacks and leather shoulder bags.

For more unisex leather gifts, we have leather cup holders for the motorcycle, leather cigarette cases, leather cell phone holders, leather cigarette lighter cases, lots of different types of leather hats and more. Leather gloves are also a good gift item if you know what style they like. I don’t think leather boots are a good gift, you really need to know the size and style they want. Continue reading Small leather items that make good gifts

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Should you buy a leather jacket as a gift?

leather jackets as a gift

With the holidays here, many people are thinking about buying their husband, wive, son or friend a leather jacket. The question is, is buying them a leather jacket a good idea? Why not you may ask. Well in a lot of cases it is a good idea and I’m sure they will be very happy with it. However for a lot of people, a leather jacket is a personal thing.

What I mean is, for the real biker who is looking to get a new leather motorcycle jacket, he has an idea of what he wants. Maybe he wants air vents on the back, or maybe on the sides. Perhaps he wants to get laces on the side, or he wants to get one this time with a zip out liner. There are lots of things a person may want in a leather jacket you don’t know about. Continue reading Should you buy a leather jacket as a gift?

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Best time is now for an Orlando Walt Disney Vacation

Walt Disney World Orlando vacation

I guess your wondering why I’m talking about Walt Disney World here in my leather site. Well, I live here in Orlando and go by Walt Disney World a lot. I even worked there for two years when I was younger and was awed by working at such a famous place. I’m not anymore, but back then it was pretty cool!

In fact I once tried to date a little cute female midget who played an,,,,, ewok!! Yes, one of those furry things from Star Wars. No, she was not hairy and no, I did not get to go out with her ok! So I know a lot about Orlando. In fact I’m making an Orlando tourist site, fun fun! Continue reading Best time is now for an Orlando Walt Disney Vacation

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What is faux fur leather coats and jackets made of?

what is faux fur leather jackets and coats made of?

With the Holidays here, many guys think about getting their wives or girlfriends a fur, or faux fur leather jacket or coat. But just what is faux fur? What is faux fur made out of? Is faux fur cheap or quality? Well, years ago leather fur coats were popular and was seen as something up there with getting a diamond necklace.

A mink fur coat was a status symbol. Then organizations against the cruelty to animals made everyone more aware of the suffering and inhuman treatment that fur animals go through. So now many look down on real fur coats and jackets, and instead opt for faux fur leather jackets and coats. But many still don’t know just what a fuax fur is.

Faux is pronounced “foe” and is French for “not real”. Years ago people who wanted a fur coat but could not afford one got a fake fur leather coat instead. So they were looked on as cheap, and most were. But today a faux fur leather coat is the norm and is very fashionable and most are quality made. Many leather coats have an inside liner of faux fur. Continue reading What is faux fur leather coats and jackets made of?