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women’s leather halter tops & biker top

women\'s leather halter tops and leather biker halters

My, what a beautiful day it is out today! It’s just right for seeing some hot babes out wearing women’s leather halter tops and biker halters. Today leather halter tops come in a wide variety of styles, colors and designs. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if they are a leather halter top or some kind of vest or tank top.

Diamond back leather halter topToday’s woman’s leather halter top can have collars, leather braiding, pockets, zippers, snaps, studs and many other designs. The leather halter top to the left here has a popular diamond back cut. If your a woman with the right figure, a leather halter top looks damn sexy. The biggest problem with getting a leather halter top is finding just the right size and shape that fits your body and,,uh,,, breast!

Different brands cut the leather sizes differently, so it can be very frustrating to find the right type and size that fits you. A quality leather halter top will try to have a stretchy back or sides to better fit your shape. If the top snaps in place it may have two different places to snap for a better fit. Some have side laces that not only look hot but also make it fit better on your body.
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Bonded leather, patchwork leather jackets

Bonded leather, patchwork leather jackets

Hi everyone, it’s been a few days since my last post. Been real busy, you know how that goes! Well today I wanted to talk about bonded leather, or patchwork leather jackets. Actually I wanted to explain just what it is, and why you should avoid it at all cost. You can find a lot of them out there, many with really fancy names.

Some of the names they use for bonded leather is Giovanni Navarre, Italian stone design, Italian Mosaic Design, brick work leather, patchwork leather, Napoline Roman Rock Design, Diamond Plate leather, Embassy leather and a few more I can’t recall right now. They use this leather to make anything; jackets, vest, purses, gloves, saddle bags, you name it.

So what is bonded leather vs genuine leather? Is bonded leather really leather at all? Well yes, it is, but only in the same way a Ford Escort is like a Mustang! When you take the hide of a cow and lay it flat, there are areas of it that are the best parts for making quality leather. Once you cut those areas out, what is left is lots of small pieces. Continue reading Bonded leather, patchwork leather jackets

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Leather motorcycle jacket air vents

leather motorcycle jacket air vents

What’s going on everyone? If you have school kids they must be almost out for summer vacation huh? Good luck, hehe. Ok, today I figured I’d talk about leather motorcycle jacket air vents. Some people don’t really understand what they do, other than look cool! So I’ll touch on vents today and tell you why they are nice to have.

Now most leather trench coats, dress jackets and coats and other leather jackets like that don’t have air vents. They don’t need them and would look out of place. Zippered air vents are found on leather motorcycle jackets, some dusters, scooter jackets and racer jackets. Almost always they open and close with a zipper.

If it’s a quality leather jacket there will be a small leather flap that hides the zipper. That keeps out the dirt and rain when you have it closed. An exposed air vent zipper may look cool, but it’s not practical. Over time the zipper will start to degrade from getting rain and dirt splashed on it. Continue reading Leather motorcycle jacket air vents

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Leather motorcycle jacket zip out liners, good or bad?

leather motorcycle jacket zip out liner

Hi everyone, hope your weekend is going well. One of the biggest choices you have when buying a leather jacket is, do you get one that has a zip out liner or not? There’s a lot of fans of both sides to that question. People who love leather jacket zip out liners will never get one without, and those who hate them will never get one with them.

Let’s see just what are the different kinds of zip out liners, because there are differences, and why you should or should not get one. The two most common types of leather jacket zip out liners are the vest type and the full sleeve kind. The vest type fits around your body but does not line the sleeves, just like a vest, which is why it’s called that.

The full sleeve zip out liner zips the body part to the inside jacket, but it also has full sleeves that you push through the leather jacket sleeves and usually attaches to the ends by small buttons on the inside of the sleeve ends. So it’s like a thin full jacket inside your leather jacket. Now, why would you want a leather jacket zip out liner? Continue reading Leather motorcycle jacket zip out liners, good or bad?

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Leather skirt & shorts

leather skirts & shorts

Time for another leather post! Today I’ll talk a bit about women’s leather skirts and leather shorts. I think most guys will agree that a nice biker babe in a pair of leather skirts or leather shorts is a fine sight to see! Ladies like them cause they feel sexy and know they get attention.

Now with leather jackets you want a tough, thick leather. But for a leather skirt or leather short you want them very soft and flexible, so you want a thiner leather. Unlike jean shorts or other fabric skirts, leather does not mold well to the body or stretch. So you want the leather to be as soft and flexible as possible.

If they are too stiff they look horrible, sort of like wearing a pair of big diapers! You want them to be as form fitting as you can get them, which means making sure you get the right size. So just what type of leather and so on should a ladies leather skirt or short be? Continue reading Leather skirt & shorts

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Leather motorcycle chaps

leather motorcycle chaps

Wow, it’s going to be a hot day here In Orlando, Fl. today! How’s everyone doing? Today I thought I’d take a stab at leather motorcycle chaps. Now the basic question is, why would you want to get a pair, and what do they do? Well, leather motorcycle chaps are mainly used for a protective covering for your legs.

leather motorcycle chapsWhen your cruising down the road on a motorcycle you get all kinds of bugs, road dirt and other crap smashing into your legs. Leather chaps take the force of all that and keep it off your pants your wearing under them. Also, if you ever take a tumble the leather chaps can stop you from peeling off a lot of your skin while you slide down that pavement!

There also are cowboy chaps. Those are leather or other fabric chaps that cowboys use when riding a horse or in a rodeo riding a bull. The reason is basically the same, to protect your pants and your skin. Western chaps can have a lot of fancy decorations on them. Brown leather chaps are most common for western leather chaps.

leather chapsThis is a ladies leather chaps with some beads and bone pattern on it. Like most leather wear the ladies leather chaps often come in more colors and designs than mens. Most men just want a good quality leather motorcycle chaps that can protect them. So just what should you look for when buying leather chaps?

Well lets start with the leather. Since they are worn for protection, you want the same type of quality leather you look for in a leather motorcycle jacket. Top full grain naked leather is the best. Click HERE for all about leather grades. Continue reading Leather motorcycle chaps