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How to remove mildew from leather jackets

Hello everyone, nice day here in Florida. As much as I like it here in Florida, the humidity is not the best for leather. So today I’ll tell you how to get rid of mildew on leather jackets, or anything leather for that matter. Of course the best thing is to prevent it from forming in the first place. So lets see just why mildew forms on leather in the first place.

Ironically, most of the reason why mildew forms on leather has nothing to do with the leather itself, but the oils you put on it to keep it soft and in good shape. The worst thing you can do is put too much oil, or rather leather conditioner, on your leather jacket or item. Leather needs oils to lubricate the leather fibers to stop them drying out and cracking.

But if you put too much on, or use heavy junk, then the leather can’t breath. Soon moisture forms in the leather and oil, and mildew forms. You may notice that mildew often forms around seams, studs, snaps and places like that. That’s because when you put leather conditioner on it’s easy to let too much build up in those cracks and corners.

So you end up with a pool of oil in those areas, stopping the leather from breathing and forming mildew. When you put leather conditioner on it’s important to make sure you don’t let it build up in those areas. Leather braids are another problem area for that. Just remember a little oil goes a long way with leather. Continue reading How to remove mildew from leather jackets

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Adding a leather jacket & apparel store soon!

new leather jacket and leather apparel store at Leather Supreme

Hi everyone. Before too long it will be cooler weather. Bikers up north will have to put away their Harleys for another year. But the lucky ones down south, like where I am, get to ride all year. In fact the fall and winter months are some of the best times to ride here. The weather is perfect, not too hot, not too cold.

Anyway I wanted to let you know that soon I will be opening up a leather store right here inside this site. I can make lots of pages with lots of items. I’ve sold leather jackets and other leather items before. So I know what is good brands and bad brands. When I just started out I sold leather that everyone else did.

That was really cheap leather, and it smelled, came apart and had all kinds of problems with it. So that’s what made me study up on leather, find out what the really good leather is, how to spot it, and who the hell sells it! So now when I open up my leather store I know just where to go, who to buy my wholesale leather from. So just what will I sell?
Continue reading Adding a leather jacket & apparel store soon!

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Buffalo hide vs cowhide leather jackets

Buffalo hide vs cowhide leather jackets, is buffalo stronger than cowhide?

HI everyone, hope you all are doing fine. Is buffalo hide or leather stronger than cowhide leather jackets? Is buffalo hide thicker than cowhide? Is buffalo hide stiffer than cowhide leather jackets? A few weeks ago I made a post about pigskin vs cowhide leather jackets, as I saw a lot of people type that in when they found my site here.

About the same number of people also type in some version of buffalo hide vs cowhide leather jackets. So, I thought I would clear that up here as well. Now, most people think of buffalo as a strong animal, stronger than a cow, which is true. So they assume that buffalo hide is much stronger than a cowhide. That is not really true, at least as far as the leather that is made from each one goes.

In it’s natural state, a raw buffalo leather hide is thicker than a cowhide. Not by much, but a little. However when they make a leather jacket or any other leather item from the hide, they split it. A full hide is way too thick to be used for a leather jacket or most other leather apparel. They do use a full hide on items like saddles, some boots and stuff like that, but not leather jackets and apparel. Continue reading Buffalo hide vs cowhide leather jackets

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Leather handbags & purses

Leather handbags and purses

What’s going on everyone? The weekend is finally here, I bet your glad of that! I thought I would talk a little about leather handbags and purses today. I try to make this a leather site about all things leather, so I’ll include purse and handbags, at least once. Now, almost no where else is the problem of cheap and fake leather more common than in handbags and purses!

Most of the leather handbags out there are not real leather at all. There are a wide variety of “synthetic” leather that is passed of as leather. That means it’s rubber or plastic, with some fabric thrown in. Simulated real leather, leather-like, leather grain pattern, leatherette, all those names are fancy fronts for non leather fabric.

Even the real leather purses can be really cheap. Of course we have the patchwork leather purses too, which are even worst than the fake leather knock-offs! Don’t get a patch work, bonded leather purse or handbag. They will fall apart almost as soon as you start using them. They also often use leather so thin it rips just dragging a fingernail over it. Continue reading Leather handbags & purses

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Do leather jackets keep you warm?

does leather motorcycle jackets keep you warm?

Hi everyone, hope your having a good weekend. I always go through my stats, which tell me what people are typing in to get to my little site here. That gives me a good idea of what people want to know. A lot seem to ask if a leather jacket will keep you warm. So I’ll explain a bit about that today.

Of course right now in the middle of summer you don’t need a warm jacket, but it will not be long before all you folks up north will be feeling cold. Since I’m from Vermont I know all about being cold! Plus I’m the type that gets cold easy, which is why my ass is down here in Florida. So, does a leather jacket keep you warm?

I wondered myself about that before I ever got my first leather jacket. Now as with anything, it depends on what kind of leather jacket it is, and what it has for a liner. Let’s just assume it’s a basic leather motorcycle leather jacket, or a bomber jacket. Those are the most popular and what most people are asking about. Continue reading Do leather jackets keep you warm?

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Cool & crazy motorcycles pictures

motorcycle lawn mower

What’s going on everyone! I’ve got another one of those crazy days, so I thought I’d just share some cool and crazy motorcycle pictures with you. After all a lot of leather jackets and other items I talk about here are motorcycle related. I got these from several websites, hope nobody minds.

The top one is a lawn mower that someone converted into a riding motorcycle mower! Damn that guy really knows how to have fun even when working huh! That takes some skill to do that, looks like it works great.

motorcycle alien

This next one is a real crazy one, looks like one of those big bugs from Alien! Once again you have to admire the skill and work it took to make that baby. I bet that gets a lot of heads turning.

one wheel motorcycle

The next two are those new one wheel motorcycles, if you can call them that. They look cool, but I’m not sure I’d want one. I’ll have to find out more about them. Are they really for the road, or are they a racing motorcycle? Or maybe just a prototype? Anyway I think I’ll stick to my Harley, thanks.

motorcycle alien

Well I hope you enjoyed the little break and liked looking at the motorcycles. I’ll have a more meatier post next time about leather jackets or something. If you ever have a question about leather, let me know and I’ll reply or even make a post about it!