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Men’s & ladies leather vest

Ladies leather vest

Hello again everyone. I thought I’d write a bit about leather vest today. Leather vest for men and women are close behind leather jackets in terms of being popular. Most people that have a leather jacket also own a leather vest or two. The reasons for wearing a vest are numerous.

mens leather vest For one, leather vest just look really nice! A good looking leather vest can make any outfit look better. Also a leather vest offers a bit of protection without being too hot. They can be made with a liner to keep you warm, and the leather acts as a windbreaker. Yet because your arms are open you don’t get too hot.

They are just right to wear in the fall, on cool days, or maybe just in the evening if you live where it gets cold at night. Of course people that live out in the country like modern day cowboys and cowgirls wear western leather vest all the time and are popular dress up wear for going out. Continue reading Men’s & ladies leather vest

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Shearling jackets & coats

Written by Bill Manning

shearling sheep jackets & coats

What’s going on everyone? I sure am glad it’s Friday! I guess I’ll have a stay at home weekend, gas is costing too much. Well today I thought I would dive into the whole shearling jackets and coats mess and try to explain just what your getting when you buy one. What is shearling? As always there is fake and real shearling, and good and bad ways to make it.

What is really surprising is the vast cost difference between good quality shearling coats and jackets and a lower grade one. A nice full shearling coat that is quality made can be over 1,000 dollars. A low grade or fake shearling jacket can be bought for 50 bucks! Most fall somewhere in between there, from 100 to 500 bucks.

The best thing is to start right from the beginning and explain just what real shearling coats and jackets are. Many seem to think it is a lambskin jacket, wrong. Some think it’s a leather jacket with wool attached, wrong, at least for real shearling coats. Some don’t even think it’s real wool, wrong again. So here’s how a real shearling coat is made, and the different variations of it. Continue reading Shearling jackets & coats

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Biker Conchos for leather jackets, Items

silver biker conchos for leather jacket gold concho for leather saddle bagconcho for leather backpack

Hey everyone, what’s going on? Today I thought I’d write a quick post about biker conchos for your leather jacket and other leather items. Now just what is a concho, and what does it do? A concho is just for decoration, nothing more. It serves no real purpose other than looking good. Silver conchos are very popular.

concho for leather backpackA concho for leather does not act as a button, or snap, or any other practical thing. It’s just for making your leather jacket or item look better. It does a pretty good job of it too, as you see almost all leather saddle bags, tool bags and leather jackets with conchos. You can easily add conchos anywhere you want on your leather. The really cheap ones are just stamped tin or thin metal, glued or threaded on.

The good ones are made of brass, stainless steel, nickel plated and copper. They are thick and have some wight to them. The cheap ones are light and can rust and bend. A good leather biker conchos attaches by a screw backing, or it is made with slots to be tied to the leather with leather braid, giving it an even better look. Some can be made to be the button heads of snaps too.

concho for leather bagsThis is a concho made to be tied to the leather with leather braiding. Once the leather braid is threaded through normally you leave a length of it so that once it’s tied you have two lengths of leather hanging down from it for a nice look. Leather conchos can be put anywhere you want them. On a leather jacket normally the top center of the back is a popular spot for a concho. Sometimes it’s put in the center of a leather braid pattern. Continue reading Biker Conchos for leather jackets, Items

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Leather motorcycle saddle bags & more

leather motorcycle saddle bags

I hope everyone is having a good Memorial day weekend, grilling and chilling. Just don’t forget what it’s all about, the Veteran’s that make it possible for you to do whatever you want to do here freely. Well I’ve talked a lot about how leather is made and leather jackets, so today I’ll talk a bit about leather bags that are made for your motorcycle.

Now then, motorcycles don’t have much in the way of built in storage space, so there has been a lot of different types of bags that you can strap on, bolt on, tie on, throw on or however else you can manage to keep a bag or pocket on your bike. There are basically 5 different types of standard bags that fit on different parts of a motorcycle.

These are leather motorcycle saddle bags, motorcycle tool bags, leather sissy bar bags, windshield bags and leather motorcycle luggage or travel bags. Now they come in lots of different sizes and shapes, so you need to really measure your bike and pick what ones fit the best. Some places have bags made for different brands of motorcycles, but most are a “one size fits all” deal. Continue reading Leather motorcycle saddle bags & more

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Suede leather jackets & coats

What is suede leather jackets & coats

What is a suede leather jacket or coat? What type of hide or animal does suede leather come from? Is suede real leather? Where are my blue suede shoes? Sorry, couldn’t resist that last one! Most people have NO idea what suede really is. So, I’m going to tell you right now! Unfortunately that word has been mangled so much that you can go to 10 different sites and find 10 different meanings.

Suede is real leather; that is, it comes from animal hide. Anything made from the hide of any animal is leather. Rawhide bones are leather, so is bindings on a snowshoe. So the name suede refers to the TYPE of leather it is. Now if you read my other post on how leather hides are split, you know that good quality leather is the top part.

A cows hide, or most any animal’s, is so thick that they split the hide, making a top grain, which is the part the hair was on, and has the natural leather grain pattern in it. The bottom part is called the split leather. If a hide is really thick they may make 2 or 3 split layers. Suede leather is ALWAYS made from split leather. Continue reading Suede leather jackets & coats

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Leather hardware for leather jackets

Leather hardware for leather jackets

How’s everyone doing today, out riding the Harley? I’m stuck in here, writing this post, lol. Well, now that I’ve explained how to get the best leather for a leather jacket, I’ll explain a bit about all the leather hardware that goes into a leather jacket. Hardware is anything that is sewn, stamped, snapped, crimped or otherwise attached to a leather jacket, or other leather product.

It can be the zipper, conchos, button snaps, studs, buckles, anything. There are special leather tools made to work this stuff into the leather. Anything that is just forced through the leather makes it weak and likely to tear. Leather tools cut the small holes and so on needed to attach the hardware.

Now, the last thing you want is to have your hardware rust! Not only will that render the hardware useless, it will destroy the leather around it. Real cheap leather is sometimes made with hardware that rust, I call it rustware. Also the thickness of the hardware determines how good it is. A thin cheap snap will pull out or stop snapping together. Continue reading Leather hardware for leather jackets